The second presidency of Donald J. Trump (“Trump.2”) is witnessing the unprecedented acceleration of new geoeconomic dynamics (Cold War 2) both “domestically” inside the United States (preeminence of Silicon Valley tech, Wall Street investment banks and Rust Belt reindustrialization) and on the global stage — increasingly intertwined economic, trade and national security policies
The White House will need to keep key “pivot nations” like Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and the United Kingdom “firmly on America’s side” in the coming quarters — which may involve a delicate balancing act when it comes to post Gaza War reconstruction and building a lasting peace in Western Asia (new “Pax Americana” from Jerusalem to Jeddah)
This interview of Maher Nicolas Firzli, Director, Washington Forum, is part of a longer article quoting leading North American and MENA area geoeconomics and geopolitics experts:
full article: edited by Amina Zaki