China Feels Pinch of US Tech War & Regional Bank Woes

The author of this short primer, M. Nicolas J. Firzli, is founder & chief executive of the World Pensions conference and chair of the G20 Pensions Roundtable held on the sidelines of the G20 Summit

China’s industrial output extended its slide in August for the fourth straight month, as financial and geoeconomic headwinds keep on rising — chief among them the US-led tech and trade wars. The fateful policies adopted in the summer of 2022 — Inflation Reduction Act and CHIPS and Science Act are starting to hurt, hindering Beijing’ growth potential

But China’s techno-industrial complex wasn’t caught off-guard by the start of “Cold War 2”. Standing Committee strategists were prepared for it — but seems to have been surprised by the speed at which America and its allies are proceeding (including unilateral punitive import taxes on Chinese electric vehicles)… MN Firzli talks to Asharq News with Bloomberg about China’s “resilient growth potential for now” and the role of Europe in that regardالصين-تستهدف-مساهمة-القطاع-الصناعي-في-نمو-معدل-الناتج-المحلي-إلى-5

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