G7/EU Equity Markets Frailty: Why Europe’s Broken Growth Engine Means Lowers Returns

in his Sept. 25 2023 interview on Asharq News with Bloomberg, MN Firzli, co-chair of the EU ASEAN Centre (EuAC) and director general of the G7 Pensions Dialogue (G7 P7) shares his latest geoeconomic growth and country risk & attractiveness(CRA) research findings with Mohd. Salti and Maya Hojeij. In the “Western EU core”, defined as France, Germany, BeNeLux, and Italy, the situation will probably be worse than G7 average in the next 9 to 12 months.

The loss of budgetary leeway (government carelessness of the past five years), combined with a rigid belief in neoliberal laissez-faire (no real, meaningful industrial policy, at a time when the US, South Korea, Saudi Arabia embrace pro-growth Colbertism), and the ECB’s German-inspired “sola inflationem” doctrine etc. … all that will conspire to lock these ageing jurisdictions in a slow GDP growth trap of their own making: “in such a context, it’s hard to see how the CAC, DAX and Euro Stoxx indices can fare well in the short-medium term.”
